Track of the Day: Scart Lead - ‘Worm Patrol’ on ME1 Records

Born in Medway and now based in London, ME1 Records have been providing a steady stream of undeniable bangers for quite some time and, after a brief hiatus, the team are back with the goods. Today sees the release of ‘Worm Hole’ - the latest heat from London based producer Scart Lead.
If you know Scart Lead, then you’ll be no stranger to clean cut breaks and piercing subs.
‘Worm Patrol’ goes back to the basics, with a sharp, stripped back breakbeat style reminiscent of early rave tunes, laced with percussion chops and eerie washed out vocals.
Grab ‘Worm Patrol’ for free HERE from the ME1 Records Soundcloud. ME! have also informed us of an upcoming event announcement, so keep your eyes peeled...