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Orchard aims to reinvigorate Northern arts scene With Workshop Series

Josh Crowe

Nightlife often encourages us to escape, to put reality on hold, and explore alternative environments. It's an experience that is often heralded for its spontaneous nature, inclusive environment, and undiscovered sounds. We often leave a night bewildered by how aspects such as the lighting, the space and DJ sets aligned so perfectly, as if it was a mere coincidence. Orchard encourages us to uncover those behind the scenes of our favorite parties, labels and collectives. It not only sets out to celebrate their ongoing work but discussed how we can build on it to constantly strengthen a sense of community in the music scene, where people feel safe and accepted.

There will be a series of masterclasses and workshops led by members of the creative community in Leeds and external partners and guests, these digital sessions primarily aimed at people aged 18-25 are for those looking for access routes into the creative industries and the cultural sector. The series will be run via a week-long ‘festival’ style format in the summer with all performances and workshops being recorded and broadcast on Sable Radio. Orchard aims to reinvigorate the local arts scene after many months of lockdown and venue closures by presenting new opportunities for aspiring artists and people who are interested in the wider industry to discover and collaborate with others. In running these workshops, we want to encourage a stronger connection between the more established arts collectives from across the north of England and the grassroots underground.

below you can find a full timetable and roster for the project:

Monday 16th May - 4pm

Building a Community - Behind the Gas

Sean (Keep Hush)

Kitty Bartlett (Risen/Percolate)

Iyesha (Rat Party)

Grace Heywood (Resident Advisor)

Monday 16th May - 6pm

Finding Solace in Ambient Music, therapy in Music

Dr Michelle (NTS Radio)

Paddy (Think Tank)

Zoe P (Narr Radio / Noods Radio)

Monday 16th May - 8pm

The Future of Accessibility in Club Spaces


Gordian Stimm

Ally King

Gellar (Mandy and Friends)


Tuesday 17th May - 3:30pm

Good Night Out - Promoter Training

Tuesday 17th May - 6pm

Are Labels still relevant in 2022?

Dr Dubplate (EC2A)

MLE (Rhythm Section)

Ian DPM (Scuffed Recs)

Richard Byers (Identification of Music)

Tuesday 17th May - 8pm

Sable Radio presents: Routes out of Radio

Amani (Who We Be/Spotify)

Tabitha (NTS Radio)

Sophie Okonkwo (Sable Radio)


Wednesday 18th May - 4pm

Impact of Dance Music on the Climate

Teresa Moore (A Greener festival)

Maja Darlington (Greenpeace)

Wednesday 18th May - 6pm

Lost History of Jungle / Drum & Bass

DJ Flight (EQ50)

Mantra (EQ50)


Wednesday 18th May - 8pm

Past / Present / Future of Queer Scene in Leeds

Micheal Upson (Love Muscle)

Suzy Mason (Speedqueen)

Yasmeen (Souq Sounds / SISU)

You can grab a ticket HERE



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