Journey 2 The Core: NICE1TOM Announces New Leeds Hardcore Night

As we enter into a New Year, the live music has considerable cause for optimism. After a gruelling two years of crushing uncertainty for the industry, 2022 will be, we hope, the year that the music we know and love can make a full force comeback as Covid lockdown begins to fade into memory.
It's the perfect time to launch new creative ventures. One such artist making the most of the boom is Leeds-based DJ and producer NICE1TOM who, following his passion of all things hardcore, has announced his own night: Journey 2 The Core.
'All UK hard dance genres will be given an opportunity for full exploration and adoration amongst what I think is one of the most un-snobby/up for anything city’s in the England,' says Tom, explaining what we can expect in the coming months. 'J2TC will focus on young emerging talent and pushing the scene forwards with the sounds of the past and future. Expect bombastic breaks, tops-off euphoria and raved-out flavours amongst a community of 4ward thinking ravers. Bringing rave away from the commercial bollocks and back to its origins, bringing all sorts of different people together in perfect harmony.'
J2C's first lineup is yet to be announced, but having seen it, let us assure it's set to be quite the occasion, with face paced euphoria to be unleashed upon Leeds party-goers in its purest form.
"As a hardcore head first and foremost, I often find myself boxed into the thriving jungle renaissance, limited in my exploration into the proto-junglist sub-genres that helped originate the sounds. Whenever I stray into these zones, Leeds welcomes me with open arms and smiley faces… and for that reason Journey 2 The Core was born."