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Introducing: ELIJAH A.M

Hailing from South East London, ELIJAH A.M. is an incredible storyteller with an authentic commmunity presence in Bristol. His music appeals to those with a conscious ear, carrying listeners through a sound that mixes timeless hip hop with intricate, poetic lyricism.

I discovered Jeshi after listening to Spotify Radio for one of my own tracks! Grateful to have found this tune, this hook is crazy catchy and the whole song just has a bop to it. The lyrics are boasty and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is definitely a sound that I feel like I could only channel once in a while, you’ve got to be feeling yourself but not too much otherwise you’ll put off that studio session for another day and go out and flex instead!

This song was in heavy rotation over the summer following it’s release. It really revived a hip-hop sound for me that I had been missing. In particular, the recurring ‘yeah, baby’ and how personal it sounds, it just pushed me to do more writing that reflects how I would say something off the record. I want listeners to think ‘yeah, that’s actually exactly how ELIJAH A.M. speaks when he is at home’.

I’ve been an avid fan of DA$H since the A$AP MOB tapes, and his debut EP. His lisp, along with his intricate yet slack rap style combine to really create an artist persona that is tangible, and totally unique. I listen to DA$H when I want to find my own voice again – after a deep listening session, I can usually go on to write monologue pieces that I eventually revisit to transform into a more melodic sound. I remember writing Who Are You after a good while of listening to this song, and I am so happy with the final track, I just keep flowing couldn’t even stop for a hook!

More from the A$AP collective. Ant is an underrated gem, he makes up his own rules and structures, and effortlessly links flows together that are really suited to his accent. Ant’s influence on my writing lines that can catch listeners out, or that just stand alone in a rhyme scheme is undeniable.



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