Introducing: Broadsheets

Photo Credit: Anna Dallas
Before their gig at The Lanes, we caught up with Bristol-based alternative rock outfit Broadsheets, to learn a bit about their sound, where it comes from and what they’ve got planned next. Broadsheets are currently surfacing on the Bristol music scene having released four singles demonstrating their unique sound rooted in the influences of trip-hop, slowcore and jazz. With an EP on the way in May or June that promises to further define their radiant gloomy style, Broadsheets are set to show why they are a band to watch.
We talked to four out of five members of the band: Tom, Laura, Aidan and Llyr; with frontman Oli slightly behind schedule with his shift at Ikea running late into the evening. Oli was described by the rest of the band as ‘elusive’, they expressed casual concern as to whether he would turn up in time and if so, if he would still be in his Ikea uniform. He was not, arriving punctually before the gig began in a dashing shirt and suit trousers.

Broadsheets are an assemblage of individuals from all over the world, forming a band that is a melting pot of influences and sounds. Tom on guitar is from new Zealand, Llyr on bass is from Cardiff, Laura has Latvian heritage and Aidan seemed not to understand the question – I’ll not say where elusive Oli was from to protect his elusiveness... The group found each other and formed Broadsheets in Bristol, first starting out as Jam sessions between Tom and Oli. The city is a great influence to the band, its streets emanating the essence of Trip Hop giants like Massive Attack, steeped in the echoes of their hypnotic rhythms, gritty and cinematic. Having played in multiple other music groups before this project, each member was familiar with the Bristol underground music scene, acclaiming the DIY venues that manage to remain functional. Llyr also pointed out the values of the scene that are built upon inclusivity and queer culture, giving special mention to Strange Brew for being a frontrunner in upholding and representing these values.
Broadsheets’ sound is an experimental one, borrowing elements from various genres, and balancing an electronic sentiment with traditional instruments. When asked how they’d describe their sound, they said that there is obviously a lot of influence coming from trip hop – the grittier, “nocturnal” feel that emanates from songs like ‘chevron’. Indeed, this song in particular lurches back and forth, disjointed and haunted noises crash as if the instruments themselves were groaning, only to disgorge a cascade of warped melodies and ghostly ripples into the night. Their performance of ‘Chevron’ later in the evening was one of harmonised disarray. With Laura shaking a maraca and Llyr banging a cowbell between slapping riffs on the bass. The band sounded like they had been born in a barn, Oli’s unblinking eyes searched the ceiling avoiding the lights as if really a “nocturnal” creature himself, fashioning their instruments out of surrounding objects, creating a chaotic and exciting performance.

‘Gung-ho blue’ was another track that demonstrated their style well. A gentle riff introduces the song, synthesisers emerge in the background and whirls towards us like something falling form the sky, it hits the ground, gets up and marches into a syncopated drumbeat, steadying itself into the song. The unchanging guitar riff lasting for about minute and a half carries a tone of melancholy supported by Oli’s vocals which are threaded with angst, each lyric, utterance and scream resonating with raw emotion as he goes back and forth with Laura’s backing vocals.
Broadsheets say their up-and-coming EP will carry on this gothic sound, and if its anything similar to their already released singles, it will most definitely be worth listening to and seeing live.