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Echo Beach: Tracks That Shaped Our Sound

Josh Crowe

Echo Beach are the synth-pop outfit that formed in early 2021 and has been making waves ever since in Leeds and beyond following the release of their dreamy debut single ‘Sea of Glass’. Their latest track 'Who Are You Now' is our tune of the week, with lyrics of longing that are blared out to a sonic backdrop of synth heaven.

The band have gained support from the likes of XS Manchester’s Shell Zenner and Jim Salveson, Charlie Ashcroft’s Amazing Radio show. Their music is profoundly upbeat, feel-good record with summery synth-riffs that are reminiscent of the 80s synth-pop era. We spoke to one of the most down to earth bands around about the tracks that shaped their sound, enjoy!

Losing my religion - REM

We took influence from this classic in the respect that we wanted a song which was dramatic, but also had some groove and some catchy guitar hooks. We’re not massive REM fans, but this tune in particular is a banger and helped spark some initial ideas for us.

Better Man - Courteeners

Again, this kind of struck off the back of the REM tune. We started digging deeper into where could go with the foundations we had. This tune gave us the idea of putting the guitar at the forefront of the track rather than the synth- which is what we had laid down originally.

Charlemagne - Blossoms

The bass line was kind of blossoms inspired I guess, along with the breakdown section. We really rate the blossom's first album in particular and I think it can be heard in the song. Also being from Stockport, I thought it would be rude not to include it.

Silver- DMA’s

Lastly, this banger from DMA’s. We love these guys and the guitar solo in Who Are You Now? I'd say was influenced by a their vibe and melodies.

Check out Echo Beaches' music here



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