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Chequered wax Return With Club Ready EP

George Webb

Manchester-based producer Lewy has come through with a brand new EP, his first to be released on Chequered Wax, and the first output from the underground label since Sonic Juncture’s Unified EP back in November. The EP spans three tracks, all touching on varying dark pockets of breakbeat.

Opening cut ‘Let U Down’ acts as a somewhat stunning intro, with 808 State-esque birdsong met with a glistening set of synth chords which remain present for most of the track’s runtime. The beauty and tranquility of the soundscape is quickly traded in for aggression once the drum pattern enters the mix - kicking the EP into gear. Subtle vocal chops are alternated with a creeping bassline to round off a stellar introduction to the release.

The second of the three, comes in the form of a postcode; ‘M3 7LW’ is an ode to Salford’s esteemed venue The White Hotel, and the track firmly takes no prisoners from the off. A merciless kickdrum allows it to fire on all cylinders from the word go, with countless winding synth crashes making the track as chaotic as it is awe-inspiring. Around the 2 minute mark we’re treated to a brief instrumental breakdown, which leaves the kickdrum completely isolated aside from some discreet acid stabs - highlighting a key element of the track in a composed way

The third and final cut ‘Vybz Inside’ is a perfect nod to classic rave and bigbeat. Obnoxious but gratifying synths are something straight out of the 90s, these paired with choppy syncopated percussion make this track a heap of fun. Though not to be dismissed as a mere revivalist cut, as it progresses we see a sprinkle of flair to bring it to compete with its contemporaries. The synthline becomes glitchier than in the opening half, and more prominent bass is thrown in, allowing the track to effervesce right to its close.

The Lewy EP is a sparkling return for Chequered Wax as a label, each of the trio of cuts offer something different while simultaneously scratching the same itch. A completely no-frills release which is bound to strike a chord with ravers across generations.



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