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New EP releases on Hessle Audio: Pangaea and Pearson Sound

BabyStep Team

Yesterday, Pangaea and Pearson sound released their EPs for Bandcamps no-fee Friday.

Pangea's three track EP Like This features two versions of 'Like This', and a third track Midnight Plane:

"Pangaea returns to his Hessle Audio label with new music for 2020. The in-demand track 'Like This' has enjoyed early plays from Daphni and Jamie XX on Radio 1 and comes in two versions for different dancefloors. 'Midnight Plane' on the B side takes things deeper but remains propulsive, fusing elements of dub techno and various UK styles." Pearson Sound's Alien Mode also features three tracks of varying tempos:

"Pearson Sound returns to Hessle for the first time in 5 years, with an EP for clubs and warehouses varied in tone and intensity. 'Alien Mode' orbits around a sledgehammer breakbeat, processed for impact on contemporary dancefloors whilst referencing the sonic palette of early hardcore and jungle, with its time-stretched vocals and restrained FX stabs. 'Cobwebs' flips a percussion sample, officially licensed from Nigerian musician Adewale Ayuba, into a head-spinning sub-fuelled roller at 155bpm. The understated ecstasy of 'Everything Is Inside Out' closes the EP with its elastic arpeggios and yearning synth lines."

Both EPs are now available to download on Bandcamp, with vinyl editions to become available within the next week.

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