Rob Day
Aug 7, 2020
Behind the Brush: The Overload Project
"Experimental, Participatory, Audiovisual." First established in 2016, The Overload Project is a series of interactive artistic...

Sydney Gilbride & Harriet Hornby
Mar 17, 2020
Titchat Takeover: A review of Queer Identity at the Corn Exchange
The students of Leeds Arts University have curated a temporary exhibition focusing on queer identity in the heart of Leeds at the...

George Webb
Mar 5, 2020
Behind the Brush: Interview with ART TNEET
Hailing from Barnsley, Harley Roberts and Sam Batley are part of an artistic group by the name of ART TNEET. The name comes from a...

Charlie Malcolm-McKay
Feb 12, 2020
Styling Resistance: When Political Protest meets Fashion
The Uniform of the Black Panther Party Since the construction of fashion standards and ideals during the Renaissance, how we choose to...

Ella Davis-Yuille
Jan 25, 2020
1917: A Unique Depiction of a War Against Time
Sam Mendes’s Oscar-nominated 1917 is an odyssey of fortitude, fear, and military dynamism, set in the trenches of Northern France during...